Homophones for rough, ruff, ruffe

rough / ruff / ruffe [rʌf]

rough – adj., adv., n. & v. – adj. – 1. uneven, coarse; 2. unclipped, unshorn, shaggy; 3. of land – uncultivated, difficult to traverse; 4. not finished, not precise; adv. – 1. without care or accuracy; 2. harshly, violently; n. – 1. unevenness of a surface contrasted with smooth; 2. a coppice; 3. coarse textiles; 4. of water – turbulent, agitated; 5. a flat, cartilaginous fish of the order Rajiformes, a ray; v. – 1. cough, clear the throat; 2. raise a nap on cloth; 3. ruffle feathers; 4. offend, grate upon the ear, use coarse language; 5. treat harshly

ruff – n. & v. – n. – 1. a candlewick; 2. pride, vainglory, passion; 3. a frill around a sleeve or collar; 4. an enlarged collar of fur or feathers on a creature; 5. a migratory sandpiper, Philomachus pugnax; v. – 1. provide with an elaborate collar or cuff; 2. disorder, dishevel; 3. swagger, bluster; 4. express opinion by stamping or drumming one’s feet; 5. in the game of bridge, to win a trick using the trump suit.

ruffe – n. – 1. a sea bream or similar fish; 2. a freshwater, prickly fish, Gymnocephalus cernuus, with a dark dorsum and yellow underside