soar / sore [so:r]
soar – n. & v. – n. – 1. the altitude or range of upward flight or movement; 2. the act of rising high; 3. promotion upward in position or status; v. – 1. fly aloft, hover in the air with wings; 2. increase in social or professional status; 3. ascend to a higher or more exalted level; 4. sing or play usually in the higher ranges in an impressive or moving fashion; 5. move or go at a high rate of speed
sore – adj., adv., n. & v. – adj. – 1. involving bodily pain, grievous; 2. involving hardships or painful exertion; 3. severely oppressed; 4. stern, harsh; 5. referring to a reddish brown coloured horse; adv. – severe wounding; n. – 1. bodily pain or suffering; 2. a wound; 3. in hunting, a buck in its fourth year; 4. in falconry, a hawk in its second year; 5. black mud, liquid manure; 6. a red herring; v. – 1. inflict pain or a wound; 2. hunting – traverse open country