Homophones for tear, teer, tier

tear / teer / tier [ti:r]

tear – n. & v. – n. – 1. an overflow of clear, colourless liquid from the lachrymal glands, usually in drops; 2. anything resembling these drops; v. 1. weep; 2. sprinkle something in a manner that resembles weeping
Do Not Confuse With tear [teir] – adj., n. & v. – adj. – 1. delicate; of fine quality; n. – 1. something that has been ripped, a rent, a fissure; 2. a full gallop or pace; v. – rend by force usually leaving a jagged edge.

teer – v. – 1. cover or construct a wall, etc., with clay or plaster; 2. plaster or spread thickly; 3. in calico printing – to spread a colour evenly using a wooden scraper

tier – n. & v. – n. – 1. one of a series of shelves, benches etc. placed one above the other; 2. a row of gun ports in a ship or fort; 3. rank, grade, stratum; v. – arrange in successive rows or layers
Do Not Confuse With tier [ˈtaiɜr] – n. – one who becomes fatigued; 2. one who places at the same level as another in a competition; 3. someone who ties things, or something used to put ties in place