Homophones for tenner, tenor

tenner / tenor [ˈtɛnɜr]

tenner – n. – 1. in U.K., a ten-pound note; in N.A. a ten-dollar bill; 2. a period of ten years

tenor – adj. & n. – adj. – applied to a voice, part, instrument, string, etc. above, or intermediate between bass and alto; n. – 1. the course of meaning which holds on or continues through something written or spoken; the general sense or meaning of a document, speech, etc.; substance, purport, import, effect, drift; 2. the underlying idea or subject to which a metaphor refers, as distinct from the literal meaning of the words used; 3. continuous progress, course, movement (of action, etc.); way of proceeding, procedure; 4. Music the adult male voice intermediate between the bass and the counter-tenor or alto, usually ranging from the octave below middle c to the a above it; also, the part sung by such a voice, being the next above the bass in vocal part-music