Homophones for timber, timbre

timber / timbre [ˈtɪmbɜr]

timber – n. & v. – n. – 1. wood used for building all sorts of things; 2. trees; 3. a warning call that a tree is about to fall; 4. a package of furs containing forty skins; v. – 1. construct something using wood; 2. add fuel to a fire

timbre – n. &. v. – n. – 1. a tambourine or similar hand-held percussion instrument; 2. the crest of a helmet or a crest, motive, etc., placed over a coat-of-arms; v. – play a hand-held percussion instrument; 2. provide with a crest
Do Not Confuse With timbre ['tɪmbrə] the character or quality of a musical or vocal sound (distinct from its pitch and intensity) depending upon the particular voice or instrument producing it