Homophones for
tincal, tinkle, tynchal (tinchel)

tincal / tinkle / tynchal (tinchel) [ˈtɪnkəl]

tincal (tincar) – n. – crude borax (Na2B4O710H2O) found in some lake deposits in south-east Asia and formerly the main source of boric compounds

tinkle – n. & v. – n. – a series of sharp, light, high clinking or ringing sounds such as small bells or pieces of glass touching; v. – 1. make a series of sharp, short ringing sounds; 2. create light rhymes or jingles; 3. speak nonsense, prate; 4. attract by a light ringing sound

tynchal (tinchel) – n. – in Scotland, a hunter circle gathering animals close together