Homophones for toe (toes), tow (tows)

toe (toes) / tow (tows) [to:] [to:z]

toe – n. & v. – n. – 1. one of the digits of the foot; 2. the lowest projection or extremity of something; v. – 1. finish socks or shoes with sections for the toes; 2. reach or align with the toes; 3. kick with a toe; 4. tap rhythmically; 5. in carpentry, secure using nails driven at angles usually into the base

tow – n. & v. – n. – 1. plant fibers prepared for spinning; 2. a bundle of any untwisted fibers; 3. a rope; 4. the action of pulling something with a rope, or the thing that is being pulled; v. – 1. pull, drag; 2. comb or card fibers; 3. smooth the surface of earthenware before firing