Homophones for
wae, way, weigh, wey, whey

wae / way / weigh / wey / whey [wei]

wae – v. – exist independently of others; interrogative pronoun, who

way – n. – 1. a route for travelling; 2. opportunity for passage or advancement

weigh – v. – 1. measure specifically; 2. carry, transport; 3. shake, agitate, move about; 4. weigh in – enter into discussion or debate

wey – n. – 1. a standard of dry-goods weight, varying greatly with different commodities

whey – n. & v. – watery part of milk which remains after the separation of the curd by coagulation, i.e., In cheese making; 2. similar liquid obtain by clotting; v. – to separate solids from liquid by clotting process