Homophones for white, wight, wite

white / wight / wite [wait]

white – adj., n. & v. – adj. – having a lack of colour produced by reflection, transmission, or emission of all kinds of light in the proportion in which they exist in the complete visible spectrum; 2. pale; 3. innocent, spotless; n. – 1. translucent viscous fluid surrounding the yolk of an egg; 2. blank space between letters and on a page; 3. white's thrush, Zoothera dauma, a yellowish-brown and white thrush with black markings native to Asia, eastern Europe, and Australia; v. – 1. make white, whiten; 2. whittle

wight – adj., adv. & n. – adj. – 1. strong and courageous; 2. robust; adv. – energetically, swiftly; n. – 1. a creature or person; 2. a supernatural entity

wite (wyte) – n. & v. – n. – 1. a sage, a man of valour, or military prowess; 2. a witness; 3. blame, reproach; 4. an offense, a wrong