Homophones for whiz, wiz

whiz / wiz [wɪz] 

whiz – int. & adv., n. & v. - n. 1. a sibilant sound that is softer than a hiss and louder than a buzz; 2. a swift movement producing such a sound; 3. a pick-pocket; 4. the act of urinating; 4. a person who is exceptionally skilled in a given area; v. rustle, sizzle; int. & adv. - an exclamation imitating such a sound

wiz – adj., adv., conj., n., prep., pron. & v. - historically it has been with the verb “to be”, with the pronoun “us”, and expressing association between two things; currently it is used in slang for amphetamines and as an abbreviation for a wizard. Be careful with the context for this word