Homophones for whys, wise, wyes

whys / wise / wyes [waiz]

whys – n. pl. of why – reason, cause, baffling problem

wise – adj., n. & v. – adj. – having or exercising sound judgement or discernment; having practical understanding and ability; skilful, clever; learned; n. – 1. habitual manner or action; 2. stem of a plant; esp. a trailing stem or runner, as of the strawberry; v. – 1. guide, direct; 2. mocking, i.e., making wise cracks

wyes – n. pl. – 1. a warrior, soldiers; 2. pipes that join at acute angles; 3. U.S. Railways an arrangement of three sections of track in the shape of a concave-sided triangle or ‘Y’, frequently used for turning locomotives; 4. interchanges between two or more roads or highways